0 days to go
Lyon, France
Marriott Hotel Cité Internationale

Networking at events made more easy

The event organizer makes it easy for you to connect with other participants at the event and schedule appointments. You can also integrate other elements of your agenda in your calendar. Below are instructions on how to build your personal schedule with interesting meeting partners and exciting content.


Quick and easy registration

Your digital event business card

When registering as a participant, make sure you choose the correct participant category and agree to our privacy policy. Enter your company profile and personal data. In the networking profile, you describe your goals at the event and enter other networking relevant information in order to find the perfect networking match amongst participants.

After a successful registration, you will receive an e-mail confirmation and can immediately start networking with other participants and register for workshops, speakers or other event content.

Register now


Your personal event program

A perfect event program - just for you

In the overview of the program you will find information about the event agenda, including content sessions, speakers, venue information and much more. In our platform, you can create your own personal programme of events.

Choose from workshops, keynote speeches and other event elements and create your agenda. Our platform can provide you with suggestions as to which content sessions might be of greatest relevance for you.

Register now